
NameContact PersonsShort Description
Great Computational IntelligenceMichael GiancolaThe Great Computational Intelligence (GCI) project aims to develop powerful computational systems and demonstrate their capability to solve complex problems in a wide variety of domains.
Surmounting Arrow's Impossibility TheoremMichael GiancolaThe chief goal of this project is to invent and specify formal theory that enables engineering of an AI system that, in collaboration with humans, enables Arrow's Impossibility Theorem to be surmounted.
Tentacular Artificial IntelligenceSelmer BringsjordTentacular AI (TAI) enables artificial agents to problem-solve in ways that exploit the true potential of the Internet (I), the Internet of Things (IoT), edge computing, and cyberspace.
DCEC*: The Deontic Cognitive Event Calculus
DCEC*: The Deontic Cognitive Event Calculus
The Deontic Cognitive Event Calculus (DCEC*)Rikhiya GhoshA quantified modal logic that builds on first order event calculus.
Moral Reasoning MURIJohn LicatoA Multi University Research Initiative (MURI) between RPI, Tufts, and Brown to give robots the ability to perform moral reasoning.